A Game of Thrones #1

Dynamite Entertainment ⋅ 2011


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Key Facts

Comic book adaptation of the George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire with illustrations that resemble characters from the HBO series

Cover art by Alex Ross

Issue Details


Dynamite Entertainment


Alex Ross


George R. R. Martin


October 2011


George R.R. Martin has been called 'the American Tolkien' by Time Magazine, and now his landmark fantasy series is being adapted to a graphic format, starting with the first book of the series: A Game of Thrones. The premiere issue introduces readers to George's world, adapting the prologue and first three chapters of the novel, and bringing onto the graphic stage such iconic characters as Eddard and Catelyn Stark, Jon Snow, young Bran Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen. This novel has also been adapted as a major miniseries by HBO - with HBO's highest ratings to date, since having premiered on April 17, 2011!

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